That’s So Gay!: Queer Texts in the US FIQWS (Syllabus PDF)
City College of New York
Fall 2018
Course: 10008-HA13
Classroom: NAC 1/301Y
Schedule: T/Th 11:00am-12:15pm Hybrid
Instructor: Andréa Stella
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: T/Th by appointment
Office Location: NA 6/217C
Course Description: This section of FIQWS is a composition course that will explore investigate individual acts of process and writing through the lens of readings from your topic section.
Composition Course Learning Outcomes:
Required Text: OER Resources
Course Policies and Procedures
Freshman Inquiry Writing Seminar (FIQWS): Ms. Rice-Evans and I are collaboratively teaching That’s So Gay!. The topic and writing sections are structured to intersect. Ms. Rice-Evans and I will be collaborating on grades, assignments and communicating about your overall performance in both courses. You will have to participate fully in both courses in order to successfully complete the semester.
Accessibility Statement: I take seriously the needs of my students. This includes making accomodations for neurodiversity, learning disabilities, mental/emotional health, and any other situations not listed here. Please let me know how I can support your learning.
Attendance: This is a hybrid course so the expectation is that you participate online and attend face-to-face (f2f) class sessions.
Electronics and Communication: One of the goals of this course is to understand how to use electronics respectfully. You will be expected to use electronics during class time and it is up to you to stay present. All announcements will go through your CCNY email.
Contract Grading: Grading is subjective so I will let you decide what grade you want to work towards when completing each section of the course. Maybe you have a soul crushing midterm in another class and something due for our class on the same day — you can choose to work towards a C, towards an B, or towards and A. There is no expectation or judgement if you need to work towards a passing grade instead of an exceptional grade; this class is not the only thing in any of our lives and we should honor that. Everyone starts the course with an A, and I reserve the right to increase grades where I see fit 😉
Artifacts: In lieu of “assignments” you will be creating artifacts of the labor you have done during the course of the semester. I have chosen artifacts over assignments because I want to move away from this dogmatic focus on “completion” or that there is a point when something is “perfect enough to submit” — the static final product is not really of interest to me; I want to see what work you did to get to where you ended up. Artifacts will be collected digitally when possible. We will be using a mix of online platforms including: Google Drive/Docs and Blackboard. All citations should follow APA format. You may choose the form of your artifacts and will be asked to explain your choices in the reflection portion of your portfolio assignment. I accept late work.
Digital & F2F Participation: 16.6%
process logs, BBDB posts, videos, group work
Research Unit: 16.6%
Database research, artifacts that support your research investigation, reflective annotated bibliography
Audience Unit: 16.6%
Various rhetorical analysis looking at your subject of research and your life outside of the classroom
“Writing” Unit: 16.6%
Crafting a larger artifact/project that includes process logs, research, and inquiry
Educate Unit: 16.6%
Engaging your classmates in a presentation that includes an educational component
Digital Portfolio: 16.6%
Digital portfolio that includes versions of all artifacts created over the semester
Academic Integrity:
“I also want to acknowledge my debts through citation. Citation is feminist memory. It is how we leave a trail of where we have been and who helped us along the way.” – Sarah Ahmed
Ahmed, Sara. “Feminist Shelters.”, 30 Dec. 2015,
Academic integrity is an essential part of the pursuit of truth, and of your education. If you plagiarize by using someone else’s work or ideas, you defeat the purpose of your education. In addition, academic dishonesty is prohibited in the City University of New York. Plagiarism, which is the act of presenting another person’s writing or ideas as your own, will result in automatic failure of this course.
Food and Drinks: Only water allowed in NAC 1/301Y
Student Support Services:
AccessAbility Center Tutoring Services, NAC 1/218
Provides one-on-one tutoring and workshops to all registered students with learning or physical disabilities.
The Writing Center: Should you find yourself in need of additional writing assistance, the Writing Center is available to you. I am also happy to provide a list of additional support services if requested.
To set up an appointment or semester-long sessions, contact them in person at the Writing Center, which is located in the NAC, 3rd floor plaza or call (212) 650-8104.
Digital & F2F Participation: The expectation for this hybrid course is that you participate in the various ways that we connect for class, whether that be in person, through BBDB posts, with videos, etc. The most successful learning experience comes when students are engaged in the process.
Labor Logs: Of the 10 weeks Labor Logs are assigned, you can choose 8 weeks to log your course labor. These logs will include time that you’ve put in researching, writing, procrastinating, or working on something unrelated to the class. We will reflect on these labor logs once a month in class to see if there’s any patterns in the way we structure our time and what takes precedence. I will be completing these logs along with you.
Research Unit: We will go in depth into database research, understanding what different sources provide and when it is appropriate to use them. This section will involve research on a topic that you explore in your topic section. There will be multiple artifacts, one includes a reflective annotated bibliography.
Audience Unit: This will include time looking at different ways audience is evoked in different rhetorical situations and we will do this from a number of angles that will include “academic” and “non-academic” rhetorical situations.
“Writing” Unit: “Writing” is in quotes intentionally — the major artifact you create during this portion of the class may or may not take the form of an essay. This section will include a combination of labor logs, research and a tangible product that shows best expresses the research you have completed.
Educate Unit: No one wants to be talked at during a presentation. This section will culminate in an educational presentation given to a small group of students that will require a demonstrative section where we do active learning.
Digital Portfolio: A final portfolio that will house versions of your artifacts on a digital platform of your choosing.