Gadsby Daija Harrison

Jesse Syllabus Forums Blog Gadsby Daija Harrison

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    • #362
      Daija Harrison

      Hannah Gadsby is an Australian lesbian comedian who has come to the attention of an international audience with her special, Nanette, on Netflix.It’s important to ask yourself why you feel certain things about who and what you are, or what you believe. But you have to continue to challenge yourself to eventually get there. One of the major sources of her comedy is self-deprecation, believing that in order to be a comic, she had to belittle herself.A lot of my life I had kept myself down, ensuring that I didn’t take up too much space.<span class=”Apple-converted-space”> </span>

      Back then, I despised myself for all the things I wasn’t: white, Christian and I wanted to perpetuate that cycle of hatred. What Gadsby’s special teaches us, what it taught me, through unpacking her pain and fully embracing her sensitivity, is that using myself as the butt of a joke to clear the tension is no longer necessary.Gadsby inspires me to embrace it all, my sensitivity, my rage. It’s an act of incredible strength to like what you’ve always been told was wrong about you.

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