Response of the authors’ main points and claims

Jesse Syllabus Forums Blog Response of the authors’ main points and claims

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      <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>In both articles we learn about Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos and how they are essential to writing so an individual can get their clear point across. Second article named</span> <span style=”font-weight: 400;”>Understanding Visual Rhetoric in Digital Writing Environments</span><span style=”font-weight: 400;”>, author Hock gives her point through Wysocki and Bouese explaining how essential main points help interact and engage with the audience. Wysocki created monitoring order (Hypertext)and author Boese did a hypertext named  “The Ballad of the Internet Nutball”. Before Hock explains more in depth about these two texts. She describes two essential points in her article. First point is how visual rhetoric operate in academic hypertext. Second one, is the three key terms of Visual Digital Rhetoric: audience stance, transparency, and how all of them affect the transformative process. These three key term are very important and give me an example on what I should add to my writings next. The more I connect with my audience the more they are likely to relate and engage with my writing. In the first article they show you the ways you can approach your audience with Ethos, Pathos, Logos and Kairos. Plato believed that Rhetoric’s intended to hide one’s flaws and not encourage self improvement while Aristotle his student believed that rhetoric’s was a way for people to learn from one’s mistakes. Rhetoric’s was very important to democracy, like it was said on the text “A number of viewpoints and opinions need to be aired, discussed,debated and eventually voted on”. Knowing a communities opinions and listening to them helps us thrive and be more successful than we was before, we are more accepting of it. When we use rhetoric’s in our text we are more likely to succeed in getting the attention of our audience which helps us get our point across the community.</span>

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