Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they)



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey angels-

I got all your sweet emails and appreciate them so so much. Thanks for an amazing semester and for all your generosity and wisdom.

Please submit your final portfolio URLs to me and Andréa by 11:59PM on Tuesday 12/18


ALSO if you want to leave us reviews on Rate My Professors, please do!

Michelle Obama saying she believes in us and loves us



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hello angels!–

Writing in to give you an update on your final project and the calendar:

1) Here is the link to your portfolio/reflection assignment. We will discuss this when we meet *after Thxgiving* but if you have pressing ?s in the meantime, all of you are able to comment in the Doc as well.

2) This week is catch-up week. Do not come to Jesse nor Andréa’s classes on Tuesday. We will not be meeting in person. Please use this time to make sure you’re as caught up as you can be before finals madness begins.

Enjoy the holiday! Try to rest.

GIF of the Dog from The Secret Life of Pets getting cozy



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hello angels–

I am sure that some of you saw this report in the New York Times today, but linking it here anyway.

Even for those of us who do not identify as trans, this is a horrorshow. You and I and all allies/accomplices to trans people must do whatever we can to protect our trans siblings who are being targeted and discriminated against in enormous numbers. Everyone go vote and yell about this as loudly as you can!

Buffy punching transphobes



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hello dear students–

Just writing with a quick hello.

I’ve had the chance to talk with a few of you this week about one of the most challenging experiences of going through college: balancing all of your real-life responsibilities and commitments with the (often unachievable) expectations of faculty.

So, a lil’ story:

When I started college, I was struggling with my mental health. Despite being a straight-A student, I soon found out that most of my professors didn’t value my critical approaches to the course material, and in fact got hella defensive when I brought up possible alternative thinking around the texts and ideas we looked at. Ugh! This only contributed to my mental health issues, and I struggled to figure out some way to balance all of the expectations of others, many of whom didn’t express what their expectations actually were.

When I was able to ask for support from my instructors, most of them didn’t want to hear anything about my situation. They didn’t want to hear excuses. To me, my emotional well-being didn’t feel like an excuse: it was reality that I couldn’t shake nor work around. I desperately needed someone to give me a break so that I could keep my head above water.

This is all to say: we believe you.

If you need extra time on an assignment for us, tell us. If you need to miss class because you’re exhausted, we will miss you, but miss a class. If you need a few minutes before class starts to eat lunch, call your parent/s, text your bestie, etc., come a few minutes late. If you have an exam coming up for a class with an instructor who doesn’t offer makeups, put aside your work for us and study for the exam.

Your well-being is more important to us than assignment deadlines.

We will work with you.

Sending tenacity to all, and looking forward to reading your newest LLs & responses, and seeing everyone on Tuesday!


patrick from spongebob waving a flag with text: I'm rooting for you



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all–

I’ve posted an additional page to the course site menu: LGBTQIA+ Resources.

I recommend poking around the sites I’ve linked to, as they include abundant content on gender and sexuality. In general, I recommend Googling for information, but because of widespread discrimination, there’s an abundance of incorrect and transphobic information available online. For example, when I searched “trans umbrella,” I was linked to “Focus on the Family,” a homophobic site that spreads misogynistic misinformation about trans and gender-variant people. Ick.

So be careful where you lookPay close attention to ethos (credibility) of the sites you’re looking at.

And enjoy the resources!



Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on


Thanks for a lively and thoughtful class discussion yesterday. I’m working on a resources page for those of you who might be interested in learning more about gender identity, expression, sexuality, and identity. I’m hoping to finish this up this weekend for your use for the remaining semester. 

You have a few readings of contemporary work by trans women. They are poems, but please don’t get caught up in what you may have been taught about poetry in high school English classes (throw it all out!). Just read them as writing, trying to enjoy them or listen to the stories they tell. We don’t care as much about “literary techniques” or “stanzas” or w/e; if you like it, write it down, Google the author, retweet them and, if you can, buy their book! 

Coming up: you have a labor log due this weekend (by Monday at 11:59pm) as well as a short written response to our gender & sexuality discussions this week: any questions, confusion, insights, personal examples, are welcome. Find an image or small language moment from the readings that resonates with you and include it here as well.

pokemon go meme with bright text saying no one else can determine your gender but you


RE: 9/25

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all–

On Tuesday, we’ll be talking about gender and feminism. Think about what stuff you’ve already been taught–implicitly and explicitly–about how to *do* your own gender: what stuff you’re supposed to like, how to talk/walk/dress/do yr hair, what gender role models you’ve had, any examples of how you’ve altered your behavior/appearance to *do* your gender in a way that felt more authentic to you, etc.

We’ll begin with a quick freewrite and then chat about these reflections in our writing groups to try to develop an understanding of gender collectively. This will provide a framework for our readings going forward, most of which deal with gender either overtly or subtly.

meme of Powerpuff Girls villain with text: hey kids! clothes have no gender. wear whatever feels best


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