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14 Articles


Howdy! from JRE

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

***CN: brief flashing lights***

Hey all–

Just writing to say HELLO!

This week, you’ll be reading one of my all-time favorite articles in writing studies: “When the First Voice You Hear is Not Your Own” by Jacqueline Jones Royster. It’s a bit more difficult than some of our other pieces so far, so really take your time with it, write on it, pull out quotes you like, slow down. If you’re not able to get a thorough grasp on it by Thursday, that’s OK.

Reading “academic” articles isn’t supposed to be easy; they’re meant to think hard and deep about something really specific. Give yourself permission to be a little confused, if necessary.

We’ll talk about this, gender, feminism, and safe(r) spaces on Thursday!

Beyonce feminism GIF

Be good <3


F2F 9/13 Plan

Posted by Andréa Stella (she/her/hers) on

Hi all,

Heads up for this week’s schedule: we’ll only be meeting in my (Andréa’s) class because Jesse has a scheduling conflict in the afternoon.  So I will see all your smiling faces at 11am on Thursday morning!

Don’t forget make an introductory video and upload it in Weekly Forums “Introductory Videeeeooooossss”

Lastly, for those of you paying for assignments in other classes — if you’re in a course that’s designated an OER, there should be no cost to you, including assignments.  Unfortunately most classes that are charging for assignments aren’t actually OER courses, but send me syllabi anyway and I’ll forward them to the appropriate administrator to see if something can be done.

See you Thursday!


RE: Labor Logs

Posted by Jesse Rice-Evans (she/they) on

Hey all!

Here I’ve attached two sample Labor Logs from Dr. Traci Gardner’s post (“Labor Logs”)

Sample #1: LaborLogExTable

Sample #2: LaborLogExKinds

These are both good examples of our (Jesse and Andréa’s) expectations as far as level of detail and reflection are concerned.

Essentially, we’re not interested in searching for your “errors” in writing for this class, nor for “catching you” for not meeting the word counts, misunderstanding prompts, misreading texts, etc. This isn’t how writing works in The Real World™ nor is it how writing should work, in our opinion and experience. We have Spell Checkers, Google Translate, Microsoft Word’s iffy grammar tool, the World Wide Web, etc. as tools we can use to address “errors” within sentences. Let’s not waste our (limited) time on minor issues.

We’re way more interested in seeing how you think about ideas you’re developing and seeing what your process of inquiry looks like, including time thinking about texts or questions, emailing J/A with questions, texting your classmates with questions, etc. These are all labor; they count. It’s your choice what you want to include, but “labor” is, for us, an expansive category.

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